Quand la musique concrète rencontre l’oriente. Un jazz savant à l’architecture
orientale et classique. Le Quotidien (Tunis)
Avec Migrantes, l'improvisation jazz donnait l'impression d'une écriture musicale
sensible aux mouvements qui structurent la musique de chambre. Mais ici, il
s'agissait non plus de musique de chambre mais bel et bien d'un tissage fondateur
entre traditions que tout pourrait opposer mais qui ici sont rassemblées sous la même
bannière. La Presse de Tunisie (Tunis)
Migrantes is a musical project born from the encounter between oud player Mauro
Sigura and pianist Andrea Manzoni. The sonic pluralism of the two musicians vividly
and dynamically represents the cultural diversity and musical influences that shape
their work, embracing a wide range of genres and traditions. Their style blends
elements from diverse musical contexts, creating a unique and captivating
The performance is a journey that fuses emotions, pulsating rhythms, and
instrumental exchanges typical of European jazz and experimentation, transporting
the listener through evocative sounds reminiscent of Arab-Ottoman music.
Andrea Manzoni and Mauro Sigura aim to create a stimulating and immersive
musical experience that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. With an
interdisciplinary approach to composition and performance, they consider music a
universal language of human experience.
Pluralism, in the social sciences, refers to a society where individuals and groups
differing in ethnicity, religion, culture, political orientation, or other characteristics
coexist in mutual tolerance, while maintaining independent participation in public
life and preserving autonomous management of their cultural traditions.